Nikolay Demerdzhiev
Nikolay Demerdzhiev was born in Bulgaria and studied at the National Academy of Music “Prof Pancho Vladigerov” where he graduated with a Bachelor of Music in viola performance and music education. He studied viola under Christian Euler in Austria and holds two Masters degrees in viola performance and music pedagogy from the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. In 2008 he moved to Japan to teach viola and violin at the Johann Sebastian Bach Music School in Utsunomiya. In 2014 Nikolay Demerdzhiev returned to Austria where he received his Ph.D. in musicology from the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He is currently a Director of the Johann Sebastian Bach Music School in Hong Kong and the author of several research publications on music education. He has performed as a guest violist with the SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra, the Macao Orchestra and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, among others. In 2021 he became a tutti violist of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong.
刁卓夫生於保加利亞,就讀於當地的國立音樂學院,主修中提琴演奏及音樂教育,考取音樂學士學位。其後到奧地利隨艾勒深造,獲格拉茲音樂與演藝大學的中提琴演奏和音樂教育雙碩士學位。2008年,他移居日本,在宇都宮市的巴赫音樂學校教授中提琴和小提琴。2018年,他返回奧地利,獲維也納音樂與演藝大學頒授音樂學博士學位。刁卓夫著有數本音樂教育研究的著作,現時是香港Johann Sebastian Bach Music School的其中一位總監。在演奏方面,他曾擔任斯洛文尼亞SNG馬里博交響樂團、澳門樂團、馬來西亞愛樂樂團的客席中提琴手。2021年加入香港城巿室樂擔任中提琴樂師。