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Vilém Veverka


Leading Czech oboe virtuoso Vilém Veverka won global recognition after winning the prestigious Sony Music Foundation’s 7th International Oboe Competition of Japan in 2003. Since then, he has established himself as an internationally renowned soloist and chamber musician, and as oboist who has significantly advanced the repertoire and technical limits of his instrument. He has appeared as soloist with most of the major orchestras in Europe, America and Asia. He is also a founding member of several elite and progressive music ensembles including Ensemble Berlin Prag, the PhilHarmonia Octet, the Vilém Veverka TRIOplus and the Ultimate W Band. In 2009 he became a featured artist on the Supraphon CD label and has developed the oboe-harp repertoire with leading Czech harpist Kateřina Englichová in numerous highly acclaimed recordings. Vilém Veverka studied oboe at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU) and at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin under Professor Dominik Wollenweber. In Berlin he performed with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra as a member of the Karajan Academy. He has premiered many contemporary works dedicated to him and several technically challenging concert pieces from the second half of the 20th century. Vilém Veverka is an ambassador for Buffet-Crampon and currently plays on the Virtuose model. In 2024 he joined the music faculty at the University of Ostrava as professor of oboe.



偉林‧維維卡是捷克首屈一指的雙簧管演奏家,2003年在日本索尼音樂基金會第七屆國際雙簧管大賽中榮獲冠軍,得全球認可。至今他已成為國際知名的獨奏家和室樂音樂家,在拓展雙簧管的曲目及突破樂器本身的局限方面,均成績斐然。他曾以獨奏身份,與歐洲、美洲、亞洲大部份主要樂團合作演出,並且是數個頂尖及前衛音樂團體的創始成員,包括柏林-布拉格合奏團、愛樂八重奏團、偉林‧維維卡 TRIOplus 和 Ultimate W 樂隊。 2009年,他成為 Supraphon 唱片公司旗下的主打藝人,與捷克豎琴名家嘉黛蓮娜•英格列霍娃合作,錄製了多張備受讚譽的雙簧管與豎琴作品專輯,拓展了該領域的曲目。偉林在布拉格演藝學院習雙簧管,隨後在柏林漢斯‧艾斯勒音樂學院師從多明尼克‧沃倫韋伯教授。在柏林期間,他以卡拉揚學院成員身份,與柏林愛樂樂團同台演出。他曾為多首專為其創作的當代作品作首演,並且挑戰了許多技巧要求極高的二十世紀後半的音樂會曲目。他是 Buffet-Crampon 雙簧管的代言人,目前使用 Virtuose 型號樂器。2024年,偉林加入奧斯特拉發大學音樂學院,擔任雙簧管教授。


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