James Boznos
Since 2000, James Boznos has been the Principal Timpanist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil). He has performed two of William Kraft’s Concertos for Timpani with the HK Phil and as a guest principal timpanist with orchestras in Kanazawa, Singapore, Seoul, Beijing, Guangzhou and Taichung. A versatile musician, he is also a composer/performer, writing under the pen name OZNO, and in 2019 he premiered his Concerto No.2 “Pavilions” for Extended Timpani, Orchestra and MP3 with the China Philharmonic and Guangzhou Symphony Orchestras. His Concerto for Timpani, No.1 was premiered with the HK Phil in 2003. The HK Phil have also performed several other of his compositions including Oikogeneia, Social Distancing, Dragon Factors conducted by Jaap van Zweden and his Concerto for Piccolo for Linda Stuckey. James Boznos currently teaches timpani and percussion at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Prior to his engagement with the HK Phil, he worked regularly with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and several other leading ensembles in the Boston and Chicago areas. Besides orchestral music, OZNO also composes in choral and electronic genres. In recent years the Hong Kong Bach Choir premiered his Cantata No.2 “Nevu’ah”, Cantata No.3 “Gabriel” and Cantata No.4 “Unseen Things.”
龐樂思自2000年起加入香港管弦樂團(港樂)成為首席定音鼓,曾與樂團合奏了卡夫茲的兩部定音鼓協奏曲,並以客席首席定音鼓的身份與金澤、新加坡、首爾、北京、廣州和台中的樂團合作演出。他是一位多才多藝的音樂家,也作曲和演奏,以藝名「OZNO」創作。2019年,他與中國愛樂樂團和廣州交響樂團首演了他的大型作品《第二協奏曲涼亭》,這是為拓展定音鼓、管弦樂團和MP3曲目而作的。他的《第一定音鼓協奏曲》於2003年在港樂首演。港樂還演出了他的其他作品,如《家庭》、《社交距離》、《龍的因素》(由梵志登指揮)以及他為琳達·斯塔基量身打造的《短笛協奏曲》。龐樂思現於香港演藝學院教授定音鼓和敲擊樂。在加入港樂之前,他經常與芝加哥交響樂團以及波士頓和芝加哥地區的其他頂尖樂團合作演出。除了創作管弦樂之外,OZNO還創作合唱和電子音樂。近年來,香港巴赫合 唱團首演了他的第二號清唱劇《預言》、第三號清唱劇《加百列》和第四號清唱劇《未見之事》。