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Jacqueline Gourlay Grant


Hailing from Scotland, Jacqueline Gourlay Grant studied voice, cello and piano at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (formerly the RSAMD) and at the Royal Academy of Music in London. In Hong Kong, she is a director, actress and singer, performing leading roles in theatrical productions and musicals. Her credits include Mrs. Birling in An Inspector Calls (The Hong Kong Players), Mama Rose in Gypsy (The Hong Kong Singers), the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz (AFTEC), Felicity Lloyd in Secret Theatre Code 2024 at Tai Kwun and a United Nations Lawyer in Horizontal Collaboration for Fire Exit/Traverse Theatre at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. For Sweet and Sour Productions, her roles include Fay in Iron (winning the HKELD award for Best Actress), Florence Foster Jenkins in Glorious, Witch 1 and the Porter in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the Three Ghosts in A Christmas Carol, Viola Wilde and Veronica Carmichael in Distressed Asset (world premiere) and she performed as many as eleven characters in the play Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery. For CCOHK she has appeared as the Queen Bee in the award-winning Bug Symphony, as a storyteller in Howard Blake’s The Bear and as food critic Mrs Moore in the 2024 world premiere of Shark Symphony. Her television credits include Mrs. Thomason in A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities for Netflix. Jacqueline Gourlay Grant’s credits as director and/or music director include I Love You You’re Perfect Now Change (The Hong Kong Singers) which won the HKELD award for best musical, Lions, Typhoons and Judy, Oh My! (Golden Voice Entertainment/Sweet and Sour Productions) and Charlie Brown (American Community Theatre). Jacqueline co-founded the ESF Primary School Concert Series with 800 young choristers performing in the Queen Elizabeth Stadium and has conducted The Choir of A Thousand Voices at the Hong Kong World Rugby Sevens.



高莉‧嘉蘭來自蘇格蘭,她在蘇格蘭皇家音樂戲劇學院(前稱「蘇格蘭皇家音樂戲劇學院」) 和倫敦皇家音樂學院修讀聲樂、大提琴和鋼琴。她在香港擔任導演、演員和歌手,在不同戲劇作品和音樂劇擔任重要職位和角色。她曾擔任香港戲劇學會《玻璃神探》中的比爾林夫人 、The Hong Kong Singers《Gypsy》中的母親 、《綠野仙蹤》中的稻草人、以及大館和愛丁堡國際藝穗節《Secret Theatre Code 2024》中的Felicity Lloyd。她曾為 Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd.演繹多個角色,包括《Iron》中的費伊(贏得了HKELD中的最佳演員獎)、《輝煌!》中的佛羅倫斯‧佛斯特‧珍金絲、莎士比亞《馬克白》中的女巫一和守門人、《奇幻聖誕夜》中的所有鬼魂角色、《Distressed Asset》中的Viola Wilde和Veronica Carmichael、以及《Baskerville》中的十四個角色。她與香港城市室樂團多次合作,包括在《失蝨室樂團》中飾蜜蜂皇后、《雪人》與《大熊》音樂會中擔任旁白,以及2024年世界首演的《鯊鯊音樂劇》中擔任食評家摩爾夫人。她在網飛(Netflix)《雙城故事》中飾湯瑪森太太;在The Hong Kong Singers 的《我愛你,你咪理,死未!》中擔任導演和音樂指導,這劇贏得香港英語戲劇獎的「最佳音樂劇獎」;她亦是《Lions, Typhoons and Judy, Oh My!》的導演、以及ACT 的《花生漫畫劇場版》的音樂指導。她創辦了英基小學音樂會系列,其中一次有800名學生於伊利沙伯體育館表演合唱,她又在香港國際七人欖球賽指揮了千人合唱團。


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