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Roy Rolloda


Roy Rolloda is a professional musical theatre and concert performer from the Philippines who has headlined numerous musical theatre productions in Asia, London and in the USA. For several years he performed as a principal vocalist at Hong Kong Disneyland before travelling around the world on luxury cruise liners as a member of the prestigious Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers. His stage roles include Quasimodo at the Golden Mickeys (Hong Kong Disneyland), the Baker in Into the Woods (Face Productions), Mr. Tumnus in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Trumpets, Inc.), Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat, David in David and Goliath, and Daniel in Daniel and the Lions’ Den (Dove Tales Theatre Company). For Action Theatre he performed the role of Eng in Chang and Eng (The Musical on tour in Singapore and Bangkok. He has also performed leading roles for City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in Michael Sharmon’s Arabian Dreams (International Arts Carnival, 2021) and for the London Tour of WILD (The Musical) at Rose Theatre Kingston in 2023. Roy Rolloda is currently Creative Director at Creative Collab where he teaches musical theatre and directs shows and events.



盧安達是一位來自菲律賓的專業音樂劇演員兼演奏家,曾在亞洲各地和美國主演眾多音樂劇作品。他亦曾在香港迪士尼樂園擔任主唱數年,其後成為了皇家加勒比表演團體中備受推崇的成員,乘著郵輪穿梭於多個城市,為遊客送上精彩的歌舞表演。他曾出演的角色包括《米奇金獎音樂劇》中的「加西莫多」、《魔法黑森林》 (Face Productions) 中的「麵包師傅」、《獅子.女巫.魔衣櫥》(Trumpets Incorporation) 中的人羊吐納思先生、《約瑟的神奇彩衣》中的「約瑟」、以及《但以理和獅子坑》(Dove Tales Theatre Company)中的「但以理」。他亦曾在新加坡和曼谷參與行動劇場的《Chang and Eng》音樂劇巡演,當中出演「Eng」一角。盧洛達現為 Kids’ Gallery 表演藝術部主任,用心培育年幼演員,教導他們演出音樂劇,並擔任兒童表演節目和作品的導演。最近,他與香港城市室樂團合作,在佘米高創作的《天方夜譚》擔任其中一名主角, 該音樂劇於2021 年國際綜藝合家歡上演。


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